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What should I do if the phone data cable is dirty? The following tricks are very useful !

Article source:HERIZ ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Popularity:1559issuing time:2021-03-22 08:21:25

What should I do if the phone data cable is dirty? The following tricks are very useful !

I believe that the mobile phone data cable we just bought is very white, but after using it for a while, the data cable becomes dirty. Then, how to deal with the dirty data cable? The following editor recommends several methods for cleaning the data line, and the effect is very significant.
1. Do not clean with water directly, just squeeze some toothpaste on the paper towel, and then wipe the data cable in one direction, because the toothpaste can clean the dirt sticking to the data cable very well.
2. Wet the dust-free cloth with alcohol, and wipe the data cable in one direction. The effect is very good.

3. Use hand sanitizer and squeeze some on the paper. If your data cable is very dirty, put more hand sanitizer, or wipe the data cable in one direction.
4. Soak the cotton with white vinegar and wipe the data cable in the same direction. The effect is good.
5. The effect of wiping the data cable with shower gel and detergent is also very good. Reminder: Do not clean the interface of the data cable.
6. Use an eraser to wipe the data cable, this effect is okay.


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